Recently, my most dearest friend in the world became engaged. Of course, a most happiest of happiest moments within our lives as we had both been dreaming of this moment since we were giggly young teenagers. What makes us both laugh, to some degree, is that we are both (perhaps her more formally now that she has reached the apex of all that there is when it comes to love: an engagement) fairly cynical when it comes to "lovey, dovey, ewww" stuff. Many times as we sat and watched chick flicks and devoured our Ben & Jerry's pints of heaven, we would walk away with a mixed bag of emotions: some of a wishing/wanting that to happen to us, but then realizing that this was only a movie and those kinds of things never truly happen in real life.... a pox on love and a pox on us ever truly experiencing what it truly meant to love and be loved.