Saturday, June 25, 2011

Unequivocally: The Top 5

Recently, my most dearest friend in the world became engaged.  Of course, a most happiest of happiest moments within our lives as we had both been dreaming of this moment since we were giggly young teenagers.  What makes us both laugh, to some degree, is that we are both (perhaps her more formally now that she has reached the apex of all that there is when it comes to love: an engagement) fairly cynical when it comes to "lovey, dovey, ewww" stuff.  Many times as we sat and watched chick flicks and devoured our Ben & Jerry's pints of heaven, we would walk away with a mixed bag of emotions: some of a wishing/wanting that to happen to us, but then realizing that this was only a movie and those kinds of things never truly happen in real life.... a pox on love and a pox on us ever truly experiencing what it truly meant to love and be loved.

Now, for her, it is no more a pox on love... it is instead the feelings of excitement, anticipation, and overwhelming joy that must come with knowing that you have found someone who fills you with all that you ever wanted to feel and all you ever wanted to give to someone.  Which leads me to a most perplexing question: how does one know, unequivocally, that the person sitting beside you is the one you were meant for?  In thinking of this, I came up with my top five reason I'd nominate someone to take on the challenge of making me a partner for life and who I'd want to sit on a porch, in a rocking chair, 60 years from now gently rocking and holding my hand.

5.) Completely understands my many, many, many moods.
It is no secret to guys that us ladies can become various versions of Jekyll/Hyde at any given moment... sometimes multiples times within a few short minutes.  We honestly don't mean half the things we say and we certainly don't like flying off the handle, but next time you have a cramp that feels like a vice is ripping out your insides, I promise you'd be more than Satan incarnate, too.  We also don't mean to be completely self-conscious and have zero self-esteem, but you have to remember we're "competing" with women out there like Gisele Bundchen, Jennifer Aniston, and Megan Fox.  Admit it, you feel a little "less than" every time Tom Brady, Johnny Depp, or Brad Pitt is mentioned/on the screen.  Just be supportive, don't coddle me because I'll just assume you're being fake, and remember I swear I didn't mean anything I said anyways... I was just testing you....

4.) They give me their arm.
This more about being chivalrous than anything.  I think there is nothing more enduring, and quite frankly sexy, about a man who will hold out his hard for his lady friend to grasp onto as they walk into a restaurant out on a date.  It shows he cares and wants to keep you by his side.  In line with this, too is holding her hand (and not making it a big "I can't hold your hand because it's unmanly" deal), opening a door for her, and dancing with her (not the "gettin' jiggy with it" dancing at a bumping club, but the slow dancing at an upscale lounge as a Frank Sinatra/Michael Buble-esque band plays in the background).

3.) Little things mean the most to them.
I'm all about the little things in life, and I'd want my guy to be the same.  The little things in life are usually simple and many times under-appreciated and ignored, but the guy will know just the right moments to make them important.  Simple things such as he wakes up first and gives you a kiss on the cheek to wake you up, making breakfast, remembering it's your dog's birthday when you totally forgot, surprising you with a picnic... in your back yard, picking up a flower for you on the way home "just because", or renting your favorite movie and not forgetting the Ben & Jerry's (ladies, if this ever happens for god's sake demand he marry you right there on the spot).  This list could go on and on and on, but I hope you get my point.  These aren't major, over the top things, but little things that make you and by default him, feel special.

2.) In any given moment, I want them to be with me and vice-versa.
This is the moment when you're walking around the mall and see an item and the first thing your think is "so-and-so would love this, I should get it for them".  This is the moment when you're sitting at dinner with friends and the first thing you think is, "so-and-so loves this dish, boy would they love it here".  This is the moment when you're watching the sun go down across the lake and yet again all you can think is that you wish they were there with you because they too would appreciate it.  In essence, you want to spend as many moments together as possible, experiencing life together, and you wouldn't want to be anywhere or with anyone else.

1.) They make me laugh.
Laughter is the cure of all things sad and evil.  I love to laugh and can't imagine a day without trying to make something seem less serious because quite frankly life is too short.  Comedies are my favorite movie genre and I enjoy all that is witty and sarcastically humorous.  If that person can make me laugh and I share their same sense of humor and appreciation for the humor of really just about anything, I'd say he's a keeper.

An Honorable Mention to Mention: Must love sports... tis non-negotiable...

1 comment:

  1. I thought of a possible 6th reason, although I would probably put it ahead of the current #5: They make me want to be a better person. If you are always wanting to be better for that person and vice versa, and not under the "I'm never good enough" category but more under the "I want to grow in a positive direction as a person" for you.... then I'd say you have someone who is definitely worth your time.
