Friday, November 4, 2011

Blogger Bee Show Me Some Honey

For those who may have forgotten, which includes myself.... I have a blog.
A blog that is sure to make some laugh, some cry, and will ensure I get cathartic relief from the everyday emotional vampires (well mostly just emotions) that I spend a good deal of energy trying to avoid.  For several months my poor creative juices have been completely ignored... most likely not a good idea for one who simply can't find any other way to relieve my singledom-status awareness other than with a pint of Ben & Jerry's (my hips are thanking you by the way Ben and/or Jerry).

Hence, I have found it necessary to once again begin my blog with the hopes of writing once a week.  For those who may or may not know I moved to Connecticut to add to the increasing rate of student loan debt obtained by American citizens.  Or maybe I was just bored, but either way I've gotten out of New York with the hopes of not allowing the shoddy (at best) singledom past I have accrued over the past 6 and a half year to follow me and yeah get some more education under my belt and yadda yadda yadda.

May my Connecticut hijinks, shenanigans, and utter annoyance (at times) with the male version of our species amuse you all....

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